Friday, May 29, 2020

Boston Tea Party Vs. Modern looting and rioting

I see many trying to equate the actions of the Boston Tea Party with modern looting and rioting. They are not the same for a number of reasons. Let's break it down.

Boston Tea Party (BTP)

The British government controlled the entire population of the American colonies along with all the resources of the land. Let's not focus on the taxation part of this but it must be mentioned as it was a driving force. The point is to paint the obvious. The BTP was government controlling the people and the people protesting against that government while targeting that government's property.

The British built up horrible debt due to poor financial planning and to cover that debt, they decided it was better to tax colonists on goods that were provided by the government. Britain used American built ships to transport British purchased tea (From China) to the Americas with the intent of selling for profit and taxing said tea. This was only one example of similar practices from the British government during the time of the British Empire. It was also the last straw.

American colonists refused to accept that tea being sent to the American colonies and chose other sources for their tea. The British appointed governor would not allow the American built and owned ships to leave the harbor with the British goods to return them to Britain.So, the citizens took action against the property of the British government that was forced onto American ships and removed that government property, destroying it, from their own people's property (The American built ships) and none of their fellow citizens were harmed during this action.

Also, the private businesses of their fellow citizens were still in good shape and unharmed by the actions taken. They didn't attack themselves in order to protest the oppressive government. In short, there was an understood separation between private and government property and life.

Modern looting and rioting

Government paid police officers representing government interests have made poor decisions resulting in loss of life against, primarily, a minority sector of the citizen population. Government entities from local to the highest levels of government make lite responses to these actions.

A relative small group of public "servants" and politicians build a horrible relationship status with minority groups and do little to nothing to atone for these actions. Government creating laws to control the people and absolve themselves of responsibility.

Minority groups and supporters take to the streets and attack.....other private citizens properties? Destroying fellow citizens vehicles, businesses and homes. Attacking individual citizens that have no reason to be attacked. Reports of a disabled woman being assaulted in the news. The only legitimate target hit was a police station (government building) that was set on fire.

With only one (so far) reported government building being targeted, citizens attacked fellow citizens and not government representatives. Citizens targeted property of fellow citizens for destruction and not government properties.


The long and short of it, one was a direct targeting of government property to protest that governments forced policies and essential theft of the people's money to cover debts of that government due to poor financial management. The other is random targeting of private industry and individuals who had nothing to do with government officials who made poor decisions. The difference is clear.

The purpose of this post is not to say we should physically attack our government. But, we do need to make changes in how we vote. Stop supporting the status quo. Even the political party that claims to be for the people and equality never jump up and scream about the need of better judgement. How often have they lobbied to enforce laws protecting our citizens? How often do we hear of new laws to protect our citizens? We need to petition for better quality standards of law enforcement. We need to hold elected officials to higher standards or vote them out of office.

Lack of proper government standards and accountability is the problem that needs to be addressed. We need to stop attacking ourselves and stand up to the real issues.

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