Tuesday, July 24, 2007

George Phillies for President 2008



Something is wrong with immigration law in America, and presidential candidate George Phillies has a pretty good idea what it is.

Lack of enforcement.

In a statement released Monday night on his campaign website, http://phillies2008.org, the Libertarian Presidential hopeful from Massachusetts went further, saying, " The Democratic and Republican parties have betrayed the American people."

Phillies urged his fellow Americans to welcome legal immigrants warmly: ""Immigrants make enormous positive contributions to our America. They're one reason we are the richest industrial country in the world."

"Immigration," he said, " is undoubtedly a cornerstone of American culture and American success. Legal immigration, that is, under immigration laws that are fairly and consistently administered. That's where our laws have broken down. Our immigration laws are not being applied fairly or consistently."

George Phillies believes Americans have every right to expect their government to enforce existing law. Border security is a growing concern among voters, particularly in the border states, with an estimated 11.1 million illegal immigrants residing in the United States as of 2005, a population that is estimated to grow by about half a million per year or 1,300 per day, according to the Pew Hispanic Center.

"Border enforcement is the non-negotiable demand of the great majority of the American people. Open borders? Sealed borders? So long as the Democratic-Republican establishment continues to refuse to enforce the laws they swore to uphold, it doesn't matter what the laws say."

*Sources: CNN.COM and the Pew Hispanic Center, http://www.cnn.com/interactive/us/0603/charts.immigration/frameset.exclude.html?eref=yahoo


Contact Information:
Carolyn Marbry pressdirector@phillies2008.org
(510) 276-3216

George Phillies for President 2008 http://phillies2008.org

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Daniel Imperato has my vote for 2008. He is the most qualified candidate and brings the best ideas for America.